Flags of Wasted Lands
Embroidery, textile installation, 2019
Photographs ©Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Franzi Mueller Schmidt
The project « Flags of Wasted Lands is a series of thirteen embroideries focusing on the portrayal of ecological disasters directly linked to human presence.
Scientists define the Anthropocene as the crurent geological era in which the human impacts are at least as important as natural processes. In other words, an era when human and geological timescales are colliding.
Examining Bruno Latour ’s research, this project is an investigation on the current multi-layered complex climate regime and it’s direct visible consequences on Earth.
The rapid transactional exchange of the globalised condition has accelerated product consumption to the extends where todays socio-economic modus operandi has irreversibly marked our native environment and the collective psyche of how we understand the prospect of ecological urgencies.
This project aims to be a poetic gesture, one of decolonial stance. In such, it attempts to examine territories damaged by ecological violence and to restitute each territory with it’s own sovereignty by reimagining their shapes, colors, textures and even geographies .
The artist’s intention is to have the lands reappropriate the events hereby depicted in the embroideries, not as victims but as survivors of uncanny events. The flags have a vocation to reclaim the lands’ sovereignties, and to recover the aspect ecological disasters have given them, into their new visual identities.
They are flags of territories that once existed.
Visual memories of what is lost.
Reminders of our ever changing state, of the unnatural turn of events that we, as a species, are inflicting to our grounds.
It is the symbolic implication of human responsibility and the lands’ right to their own governance, supremacy, jurisdiction and dominance that is implied here within these unrecognised states. ‘Unrecognised’ – as they are imaginary states, purely mentioned for their wasted states. Unrecognised, as they are not part of the delimitations, and borders that Men have erected. They are here, in this series, invented as such.
They are given a space, a voice, an apology.